In 2017 an enormous IOTA hype took place. Many people wanted to trade IOTA – but in 2018 it was followed by a hard crash landing. The crypto currency based in Germany jumped in 2017 together with the Bitcoin and many other crypto currencies. In some cases, IOTA even managed to surpass the $5 mark. At times it was even the fourth most valuable blockchain currency in the world.
But then followed – as with so many others – the crash. At the moment, the IOTA is cucumbering around $0.30. That’s just 30 cents for a token. But many experts see great potential in the crypto currency. The forecast for the token looks good. What is the reason for this? And how high could MIOTA – as the token of the crypto currency is called – rise in 2019? You can read the IOTA forecast here.
What is IOTA?
IOTA was developed in 2015 by David Sønstebø, Sergey Ivancheglo, Dominik Schiener and Serguei Popov. The goal of the crypto currency is to eliminate blockchain problems such as Bitcoin or Ethereum and to make transactions between machines possible. The so-called machine crypto currency does not focus on peer-to-peer payment. No, rather one device should pay another for services rendered.
Especially in the Internet of Things, when billions of devices will soon be interconnected, this technology offers many possible applications. The special thing about IOTA is that it has no blockchain at all. That sounds abstract at first, but it gives it its advantages over other currencies. Here Schiener, Sonstebo, Popov and Ivancheglo rely on the Distributed Ledger technology and the Tangle. And the forecast is that the tangle could develop better than the blockchain.
What are the forecasts for 2019?
Because IOTA already has many partnerships and some more are expected to come in 2019, the experts and forecasts for 2019 are optimistic. The IOTA Foundation is already working with VW, Bosch and Fujitsu. Cooperation with Microsoft could also soon be in the offing. The Tangle documents the production steps and supply chains for these companies. In this way, all data from machines and sensors is collected and processed for all participants involved.
The data is visible and can no longer be changed. Bosch and Fujitsu executives also say that they can imagine transactions with MIOTA in their company and with their company’s products. That would, of course, drive the course enormously again.
But to what value could MIOTA 2019 rise? What does the IOTA forecast say? Can it reach its old high from December 2017 again? What would have to happen?
If you look at the IOTA chart – i.e. the price development of the token in the course of time – it becomes apparent that the price has dropped sharply. To reach the old level of 5.23 dollars again, the coin would have to rise by 1632 percent from its current level of 0.302 dollars. This is not impossible, as the token managed an even stronger rise in 2017. Some experts and sites have predicted that MIOTA could achieve this. But whether this will still happen in 2019 is rather questionable. However, Volkswagen has announced that Tangle technology will be increasingly used this year.
Let’s look at the chart technology. Here chart technicians try to make forecasts for the future from the prices of the past. But not every target is correctly forecast. But the brands can be helpful.
MIOTA should quickly win back the important support of 0.32 to 0.33 dollars. Below that it looks risky. But if he makes the leap to 0.40 dollars and then 0.50 dollars per token, nothing stands in the way of a longer recovery.
This is not a reliable forecast, but a benchmark. The IOTA forecast for 2019 can therefore be a target of 1.25 to 1.30 dollars. But there is no guarantee for this. As of now, the token would quadruple.
What does the IOTA share price look like in 2020?
But of course the crypto currencies will not be finished in 2019. Anyone who really believes in blockchain technology and in individual currencies should make long-term investments. Only then should the total value of a project become apparent and really pay off.
There are almost no real forecasts for 2020. Some blogs and forums announce a price target of USD 10. This seems high at the moment, but cannot be completely dismissed. After all, who would have thought that prices would go through the roof in 2017 and crash again in 2018?
A reliable forecast is therefore not possible. Everything will depend on how much the crypto currencies, and IOTA in particular, develop further. A multiplication of the price seems to be possible in the next years. So far the forecast is positive.
Another interesting point is the so-called Bitcoin Halving.
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This is about limiting the computing speed of the blockchain. Thereby many parameters change and the prices beat caprioles. This halving was there in the past several times. Therefore analysts try to make predictions for the future.
Because currencies like IOTA are currently still strongly dependent on the price development of the Bitcoin, a very interesting forecast can be made here: According to this, experts assume a Bitcoin price of 333,000 dollars for 2023. Compared to today’s level, the increase would be more than 9200 percent.
If one converts this increase to MIOTA, a price of more than 26 dollars would result for 2023. This is not completely absurd, as the smaller crypto currencies often develop in the same way as their big brother Bitcoin. If you believe in the halving theory, you can find your price target here.
Which factors influence the price?
Basically, most crypto currencies are still relatively dependent on each other. The Bitcoin and Ethereum in particular are pulling the other competitors upwards or downwards. If a good forecast is made, the prices of most cryptos will rise. If bad prices are predicted, it goes directly again in the other direction.
The general news situation is therefore a big factor. However, it can be predicted that crypto currencies will diversify in 2019. There will be many projects that will give up. Because they are too bad or never intended to do anything really good. And there will be those who reach new highs.
Forks are another important reason for trade. In forks, where certain parts of the crypto currency split off to implement new projects, many participants often don’t know exactly what will happen. Which new spin-off is supported? How is market capitalization shifting? There are often many uncertainties here. So caution is always advised when forks are due.
A third important point is crypto ETFs and regulations. For your information: an ETF is a product of the stock market. Here many stocks are gathered in one product. This makes it possible for investors with little money to invest in such a product. A crypto ETF has long been the subject of a battle. There is now one in Switzerland, but only if one is approved in the USA and Asia, the prices should really go up. Then a lot of people will buy the currencies.
Of course, the IOTA price will depend heavily on IOTA’s partnerships and services. A forecast is difficult, but for every new partner that the Foundation wins and for every successful test, more people are likely to buy the token. Therefore, anyone interested should follow or even join the machine crypto currency community. Here are the most important news first.
MIOTA Forecast 2019
Who should invest in IOTA 2019?
Basically, anyone who believes in the Foundation can invest money in IOTA. It depends on the time horizon and the investment amount. Beginners should first take only a small amount of money into their hands. You should not need this money to pay the rent or for food.
Just invest money that, at worst, you can lose completely. Crypto currencies are even riskier than stocks and can sometimes lead to total loss. The best thing to do is to invest bit by bit.
If you want to invest about 500 USD in IOTA, buy MIOTA every month for 100 USD. So you spread the risk and profit equally from rising and falling prices. If they rise, you earn. If they fall, you can collect the tokens cheaply and then bet on a recovery. In any case, it is very important to bet on a secure IOTA wallet.
The reasons for a successful future are obvious: The Internet of Things will come. Industrial companies like Bosch, Volkswagen, Fujitsu or Microsoft can use the MIOTA. Siemens and IBM may also work together with the machine crypto currency. There are no reports yet, but it would be conceivable. After all, both large corporations are strongly involved in the Internet of Things sector and have a large company headquarters in Germany. The same goes for the Foundation.
In addition, the technology of the tangles is ahead of the blockchain. Especially the free payment is very tempting here. However, IOTA still has to show that it can meet the high expectations. For the IOTA forecast, however, this is all good. The crypto currency is always counted among the winners of the future in numerous outlooks.
For 2019, things will still be turbulent, but the exchange rate may rise to $1.25 to $1.30 this year. In 2020 and beyond, even much higher targets are conceivable. The old all-time high of 5.23 dollars should also be crackable.
However, investors should always be aware that investing in crypto currencies is very volatile. Prices fluctuate sharply back and forth. Only money should be used, which can be renounced in the worst case.
But if you want to be part of the crypto boom, you have to dare a bit. Now is a good time to start investing or expand your position.
And according to the forecasts, IOTA should have good chances in the future.