More than 80% of the decentralized applications or Dapps, do not have any transaction volume in the last 24 hours. This is shown by the DappRadar portal, which offers a registry of Dapps based on Ethereum, EOS and Tron.
According to website data, of a total of 1,839 Dapps active at the time of writing, only 310 have moved at least one dollar in a day. The figure represents only 16.85% of registered applications. The average rises to 23.27% when reviewing the applications with volume traded in the last week, which amount to 428.
Of the 1,377 applications based on the Ethereum network, only 233 (16.9%) show presence of users and 123 show some monetary volume traded in the last 24 hours. In the case of EOS and Tron, networks that have fewer Dapps, the average number of daily users is 52% and 55% respectively. These blockchain total 187 applications that contribute to the volume traded.
The figures show that in the last 24 hours, these applications have traded more than 24.7 million dollars, via 2.7 million transactions. In addition, around 176.5 thousand users have interacted with a decentralized application registered on the website.
It should be noted that, according to the annual report of another statistics site called Dapp.com, in 2018 the decentralized applications generated 6.7 billion dollars. This research included Steem in its evaluation, in addition to the Ethereum, EOS and TRON blocks. Interestingly, the report states that at the end of 2009, when Apple launched the App Store, there were more than 65,000 mobile applications created in iOS, which generated 4.2 billion dollars.
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Despite the prolonged bear market, in 2019 Dapps have managed to keep a regular number of users interacting daily. In the case of the Ethereum network, this figure ranges between 8,000 and 10,500 users. The highest number of users connected to the Ethereum Dapps was registered in May 2018, which was 32 thousand people.
So far this year the Dapps that capture the attention of users are video games in the first place, followed by exchange platforms and betting applications. This behavior can be seen since December 2018, when the games displaced the exchange applications in terms of number of users.
A recently released survey revealed that the number of Dapps users has been affected by the inherent complexity of cryptocurrency technology, which slows down the addition of new users to projects.