Goldman Sachs-financed financial services provider Circle has expanded its crypto offering. The supported coins can now be acquired in various combinations in three new portfolios.
Payment, Platform and Privacy – these are the names of the new crypto portfolios of the peer-to-peer payment service provider Circle. The company announced this on its blog on 4 October. The labelling depends on the application areas of the respective coins. Circle Invest, the company’s app, currently supports eleven crypto currencies. For quite some time it has been possible to invest in all eleven coins at once with Circle’s “Buy-the-Market-Portfolio” – the weighting is based on the market capitalisation of the coins. With the new collections, the company now also wants to do justice to the different preferences of crypto investors.
A matter of taste: means of payment, programming environment, private sphere
For example, those whose heart beats for the use case “means of payment” can invest in the “payment” collection. In addition to Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, Stellar and Litecoin are also part of this portfolio. As with the buy-the-market portfolio, the same applies to the new collections: The weighting of the investment depends on the market capitalisation of the individual crypto currencies. This means that Bitcoin, as the industry leader, dominates every portfolio in which it is included.
Those who prefer to invest their money in coins that focus on their development environment should get their money’s worth with the “platform” collection. On its homepage, the company mentions Ethereum, Ethereum Classic Qtum and EOS as platforms included in this portfolio.
Privacy fans can use the privacy portfolio to invest in the Monero and Zcash Coins.
Trade while you sleep with two of the cryptocurrency bots on the market - Cryptohopper or Tradesanta.
Circle wants to gradually increase the number of coins on offer and does not exclude new collections. The app is also intended to provide information on the individual collections.
Circle Invest: USA only
In contrast to the peer-to-peer payment app Circle Pay, Circle Invest does not currently offer users from outside the USA access. In addition, even in the United States not every investor can invest in the new portfolios: Minnesota, Wyoming and Hawaii, like the rest of the world, are going away empty-handed.